Comparative Theology: Sumer, Memphis, Kongo Religion and Natural Systematic Theology

Author Details

Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka

Journal Details


Published: 20 February 2018 | Article Type :


In this paper, after showing that Sumer, Memphis and Kongo culture bathed in the solar religion, an indication that they share the same solar religion, the author worked to prove the convergences which exist  between their theologies. For this endeavor, the author capitalized on the kemetic cosmological argument  (KCA), a systematic natural theology which scientifically demonstrates the existence of hierarchical  monotheism and the main features of solar religion. Since the deterministic cosmology which result from the  KCA is deductive and mathematically verified, the convergences of these three theologies with this  cosmological argument is a proof of the scientific nature of solar religion they advocate. This conclusion  eschews all wrong demeaning qualifications that the Eurocentric scholars affixed to the religions of Sumer  and Egypt as well as to the traditional African religion, because the different trends of this last have been  demonstrated to be only devolutions of solar religion.

Keywords: Sumer; Memphis; Kôngo; cosmology; religion; theology; natural theology.

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How to Cite


Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka. (2018-02-20). "Comparative Theology: Sumer, Memphis, Kongo Religion and Natural Systematic Theology." *Volume 2*, 1, 31-45